Natural Attraction 2

Alla fine della Masterclass sarai in grado di

Prima Settimana

  • Comfort 
  • Transitioning 
  • Isolamento
  • Lock in
  • Frame control + sexual frame + cocky & funny
  • Comunicazione ipnotica
  • Kino escalation e test obbedienza 2
  • Gestione obiezioni 2

Seconda Settimana

  • Shit 2
  • Power question 2
  • Push & pull 2
  • Rottura del rapport
  • Proiezioni sul futuro

Terza Settimana

  • Boyfriend destroyer
  • Vulnerability
  • Gelosy plot
  • Potenziatore di complimenti
  • Nomignolo
  • Cospirazione
  • Routine 2
  • Effetti wow magic e mentalism
  • Gioco 3 fantasie
  • Cubo
  • Kino test

Instructor(s): Gianluca Liguori
Lunghezza Masterclass: 12 video lezioni (2 ore 36 minuti)
Categoria: Relazioni, Sales Marketing

Masterclass at work

Impara come allenare il tuo fascino e aumentare esponenzialmente la sicurezza


Domande frequenti

Does the tour price include the transfers?

If you are an advanced surfer, you might want to consider hiring a surf guide at a new location or spot. Our tours are customized to meet your specific preferences.

How long the trip take?

If you are an advanced surfer, you might want to consider hiring a surf guide at a new location or spot. Our tours are customized to meet your specific preferences.

Can I get the refund?

If you are an advanced surfer, you might want to consider hiring a surf guide at a new location or spot. Our tours are customized to meet your specific preferences.

Inizia subito la Mind Week